Such is the Irony of Life

Mind craves to wander

In a milieu that becomes fonder

Efforts to thwart change
Desire a world as we arrange
Once assumed achieved, skirmish with boredom
Secretly harness a longing for freedom
Such is the irony of life
Quest for peace often results in strife
Annihilation of flora & fauna
In the pursuit of delusional Nirvana
Blinded & Manipulated into a race
With irrelevant milestones to chase
A Society that sermonizes freedom
Ruthlessly oscillating between obscurity and stardom
Such is the irony of life
Only the tongue gets mightier than the knife
Emotions fuelled by anger and disgust

Unleashing the suppressed monster of lust

Ecosystem where crime too is organized
Information is tailored, radicalized and glamourized
Is Karmic imbalance signalling an impending bang?
OR is all positivity veiled in a violently swerving yin and yang?
Such is the irony of life
Ignoring the present, intrigued by the after-life
Such is the irony

In our “Establishment” of tyranny

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