Nothing is quite as it seems

Today, Nothing is quite as it seems
Not even our own dreams
If History is biased
Then, News is heavily opinionated

Corporate Webmasters and Archaic Broadcasters
can sensationalize even the worst natural disasters
The media reporting and consumption is fractured
and Truth today, is manipulated & manufactured

Whether we acknowledge it or not
We are held at ransom
by the Media, by Politicans, by Terrorists, by Industries
By Hospitals, by Corporates and then some

Revolutionaries helped us break off traditional ways of slavery
but disturbing as it is, we are still sold everyday
in megabits and terabytes, into an unknown drudgery
in imaginable and unimaginable ways, while at work or at play

It’s a heady cocktail When power and politics is mixed
Every game and every event is pre-dtermined and fixed
Every front has a sinister ulterior motive, be it the Ukraine invasion
Agenda in Local elections or the steps taken to amp up Covid Vaccination

Just as darkness engulfs the last corner in the West
A new dawn from the East is ready to lay the darkness to rest
While the politicians are busy upping their game
A surprise move from an unexpected corner, will make them look lame

Meanwhile, Hope is the rope we must continue to tightly hang on to
Our Strong and positive inner virtues will help us sail through
for now, every situation presents itself in extremes
But remember, nothing, is quite as it seems

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